Cloud Based Leave & Timesheet Management System
Imagine an office without manpower, is it possible? Human resources are the impetus of any organization. Human require rest, may become sick or many other family emergencies occur to meet these incident mitigate, leave is the solution. Leave is the right of the employees as well, to facilitate this right, each organization has leave policy for better working output from the human resources. When the employees are limited to five (05) to ten (10), is easy to manage the leave of the employee’s manually, when it increases for the organization need, is difficult to manage manually. If organization facilitate different types of leave like: Annual/Earn Leave, Sick leave, Casual leave, Compensatory Time Off leave, Paternity leave, Maternity leave, and Special leave then it is more difficult to manage in tradition leave management. In some cases employees take leave through email or through mobile message, to track these cases, the leave management becomes more difficult for Human Resource Staffs. As per organization need sometimes it may require to work on holiday or in weekend and organization facilitate to compensate those days. To work in holidays or in weekend require consent from the authority, sometimes it is also a time consuming work.
Another important requirement of most of the organization is Timesheet preparation for each month. It is also a tough job because in timesheet, the taken leave, weekend, holiday work should be represented in a right way. After filling up all properly, it should be signed by the employee and the supervisor and finally by the approval authority. The whole process is not very easy to do and these required to preserve for the audit purpose etc.
Some organization has access control machine to trace the in and out of the staffs as well as the guests. The data from the machine has been used as attendance, this data could be used to the system to insert the time to the timesheet.
To solve all the complexities through an automated system, Eidy ICT Solution (EIS) has introduced Leave and Timesheet Management System to make life very ease.
The working procedure of the software described below:
First of all we pay attention to create a precision database of all the employees. We assign the employees to under supervisor as per organogram of the organization, assign an HR personnel who will take care of all the matters from HR perspective, assign a person who has the approval authority to approve leave and timesheet. Common mechanism of maximum organization is an employee apply for a specific type of leave and timesheet, supervisor recommend the leave and timesheet and approval authority approve leave and timesheet in each case HR will get notified and all these will be preserved in HR custody.
Leave Management System
Step one (01) - Layer-01:
An employee apply for specific type of leave then signature with name and designation of the applicant will be impressed from the system to the specific part of the application, and system generated email will be sent to supervisor of the applicant and a copy of the email will rushed to respective HR personnel. In software dashboard the supervisor will get the notification as well. The application will be got status “Applied”. If email fail to reach the supervisor there is an option to resend email from the software. Once application submitted user can only view the application.
Step two (02) – Layer-02:
Supervisor will get two options (i) Recommended or (ii) Rejected.
Step two-one (02-01)
If select “Rejected” then an input field will be appear for reject reason, after inputting the reason when submitted the application, then application will stopped and redirected to the applicant with “Rejected” label on the application, system generated email notification will be sent to respective user, and chrono email will be reached to HR personnel. If user wants to apply for the same leave, s/he has to apply newly for the leave. Signature of the supervisor will be impressed to the supervisor area of the application with name and designation.
Step two-two (02-02)
If select “Recommended” and submit the application, it will rushed to the approval authority’s dashboard, and will be notified in two way one is software based notification when logged in to the system and an email notification generated from the software. Applicant and the HR personnel will be notified through email & software based notification and the status of the application will be changed to “Recommended” from applied. If approval authority missed the email, there is an option to resend email.
Step three (03) - Layer 03:
The approval authority will get two options (i) Approved (ii) Rejected
Step three-one (03-01)
If select “Rejected” then an input field will be appeared for reject reason, after inputting the reject reason when application will be submitted Digital signature with name and designation from system will be impressed on application form’s Approval section. System generated email will be sent to the applicant, supervisor of the applicant and the HR personnel, software based notification will also be found in each dashboard of these people. The application will be la1beled with “Rejected” status. If the applicant wants to apply for the same type of leave on same date, need to apply newly.
Step three-two (03-02):
If select the “Approved” and submit the application, it will be approved, digital signature of the approval authority will be placed on it at the approval section with name and designation. The application will be redirected to applicant with “Approved” label on it and available in approved application list. System generated email will be sent the applicant and respective supervisor, an email will be also sent to HR personnel.
HR personnel, Employee/applicant/supervisor/approval authority can take all the necessary leave report as per need, download in pdf format and use or might print for audit purpose as well.
Timesheet Management System
Step one (01) - Layer-01:
When an employee click one Timesheet menu to prepare s/he will get only the current month timesheet without asking anything from the system. The time input up to accessed date will be filled out from the system/from the attendance machine automatically. Employee can check or correct by the help of HR personnel/System admin (if required). Following will be done from the system:
- For those leave days the regular time will be locked, no input is possible
- All the leave of specific applicant will be filled out from the leave management part of the system for that month
- All the weekend will be highlighted and regular time block will be locked
- All the public holiday will be highlighted and locked the regular time block.
Applicant will get all necessary information from system for specific month of the timesheet including his/her signature. After checking the timesheet when applicant submit the timesheet an email will be sent to respective supervisor and a copy to HR personnel with software notification as well.
Step two (02) – Layer-02:
Supervisor will get two options (i) Approved or (ii) Rejected.
Step two-one (02-01)
If select “Rejected” then an input field will be appear for reject reason, after inputting the reason when submitted the application, then application will stopped and redirected to the applicant with “Rejected” reason under the timesheet, system generated email notification will be sent to respective user, and chrono email will be reached to HR personnel. The user should take the action as per instruction and apply again for the same.
Step two-one (02-02)
If select the “Approved” and submit, it will be approved, digital signature of the approval authority will be placed on it at the approval section with signature and date. The application will be redirected to Approved list of timesheet. System generated email will be sent the applicant, an email will be also sent to HR personnel and the software based notification sent as well. The approved timesheet will be found under the Approved timesheet menu.
HR personnel, Employee/applicant/supervisor/approval authority can take all the necessary Timesheet report as per need, download in pdf format and use or might print for audit purpose as well.